Saturday, July 7, 2007

Whew What a Week!

But then who doesn't have them. I have been busy making cards again. Finished about 36 invitations for our ladies meeting on the 21st of this month. I have every thing out of my way now and can now get ready for company starting Monday. The company arrives next Sunday Morning.

Went shopping this morning, not arriving home till after 1:30 pm. I had a 40% coupon for Joann's Fabric & Craft store along with a 10% coupon for over all purchase, so "had" to use it by today. They had their 12x12, 8x11 and 8x8 sheets of paper on sale for 6 for 96 cents and the is when I purchase mine for my cards and of course I went "wild." Along with a few other things I "just had to have." I then went to Michael's Craft Store as I had another 40% coupon I just had to use and purchased me another corner punch and I think one other item.

I'll be Blogging again "hopefully" next week, as I get the time. Have a great weekend.


B said...

You scored, girlfriend! I never made it to Joann's, but I went to Michaels 3 different times this week and used 2 40% coupons. Also got a lot of stuff that was just on sale. I've been looking for you all day. Tried to IM you, but you weren't there. Got your email last nite - the envelope is B-E-A-U-TI-FULLLLL!!!!!!!!!! I love it made out of the that doily. You must post it on the blog so everyone else can see it. It's sooo pretty. I love it as much as the card you made for your daughter's anniversary! Well, I'll see you manana, momma!
:D #2P

B said...

Es, go to mom2princess and check out her blog entitled "Help" I told her to visit you and ask for your advice. When you read her request, you'll see why I referred her to you, and why you may have some good advice for her.
By the way, you are one clever little "P", sneaking that lacy envelope by me like that! Read my post for today!
:D #2P

Jean Knee said...

That envelope was so pretty, keep on carding

Becky said...

Those were awsome cards! Thanks for visiting my blog!

How old is your Autistic grandchild? How long has (s)he been diagnosed? What were his/her symptoms? My email address can be accessed through my profile, if you would like to email!